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하나님은 영[생명의 근원이시나 사람에게는 보이지 아니하는]이시니 그를 경배하는 자들이신령과 진정으로 예배해야 합니다.
바울은 우리에게 모든 것을 시험하라고 말했습니다.
맥락은 진실을 찾는다. 
대부분의 기독교인들은 이 경전이 증거 텍스트라고 주장하며, 우리는 원하는 것은 무엇이든 할 수 있고 원할 때마다 예배할 수 있으며 그리스도 안에서 이러한 자유를 누리고 있습니다.

 When you finally come to a point in your life when you realize you need a Savior, and you have no real understanding that sin is a transgression of all God's laws and his Sabbaths. But you know in your heart you're not pleasing Yehovah God the way you are living your life. Yeshua commands us to live as he did. Most people have no idea what that entails, most Christians live in opposition and defiance of His commandments. Yeshua said His gospel requires everyone to repent to enter the Kingdom of God. There are 613 laws in the old testmate and 1050 in the new Testmate. Some for men, children, women, and priests There are written in stone no negotiation. 


Christians say they are not under the judgment of God's laws His statutes and Sabbaths they have been removed and done away with, fulfilled by Jesus. No law requires no mercy no need for Repentance. Grace and Salvation mean nothing. 


God's Spirit teaches us to trust, and obey, all the commandments and statutes and we are to teach our children to live by them your faith and trust will grow when God gives his spirit to you. These people will receive the Mark of God's for protection. 

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